Set in the future, Weary Bones is first the tale of an ambitious young reporter from Ithaca, New York, whose future depends on his next scoop. Surviving on a shoestring budget in a down-slope economy, John Walden Steinberg III is about to uncover the most sacred and earth shattering account of his life: America, once known for its majestic mountains and vast plains now features scattered bones, bomb shelters, and the aftermath of earthquakes that have shifted the land towards the equator. Weary Bones is the account of how it fell to one man, Samuel Yordy, a little known Amish minister, to lead his people on an exodus to a new future in ‘the Commons’. Treacherous and perilous, not all of his flock survive to make it to their new promised land…
The saga of Weary Bones will engage anyone interested in how religion can become the main focus and agency for strife, war, persecution, and death – and how it can then be a salvation.
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